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Copmanthorpe is one of a small cluster of villages surrounded by countryside in close proximity to York on the old Tadcaster road.

Our village has a distinct landscape setting characterised mainly by large prime arable fields bounded by native hedgerows and trees, all of which lie within the Green Belt.

Copmanthorpe Landscape                                                             Tadcaster Road Mile Post

The exception to this open countryside setting is to the north beyond the A64. Here the village is edged by tree belts and woodland of the local golf club and Askham Bog Nature Reserve, managed by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.There are a good number of established trees of a variety of species in the older parts of the Parish, whilst others have been planted more recently as part of new development; a large number of Tree Preservation Orders apply.The two village greens are important in providing a “green heart” for Copmanthorpe. These public spaces have a particular social and community value.  There are numerous ‘green corridors’ throughout the village that link larger green areas for wildlife.

Low Green is without pavements and is used for the village May Day Street Fair.  Memorial Green, with a pavement to one side, serves as a popular meeting point and includes the village War Memorial.

Both spaces are characterised by well-kept grass and mature trees and are enclosed by characterful buildings.

To request a copy of the Copmanthorpe Village Design Statement brochure please contact Diane Greenwell at

Design Statement Drawing

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