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Clubs & Associations

Copmanthorpe Scout Group

  • There has been an active Scout Group in Copmanthorpe for more than 40 years! For a copy of the Scout Group history leaflet click on: copscoutstory.pdf
  • With a purpose built headquarters adjoining the recreation centre grounds the Scout Group includes Beaver, Cub and Scout sections all of which meet weekly.
    • Beaver Scouts – 6 to 8 years, Cub Scouts – 8 to 10.5 years, Scouts – 10.5 to 14 years
  • Regular camps are enthusiastically supported and community activities in and around the village are organised by the leaders.
  • The Scout Group also has its own minibus which can be booked for use by community organisations when not in use by the group (click here for a copy of the rules of use: scout-minibus-rules.pdf)
  • For enquire about joining the Scout Group, becoming a leader or about use of the minibus contact Nigel White on 01904 704203

Copmanthorpe Girl Guide Group

  • The group consists of Rainbow, Brownie, Guide and Ranger packs
  • Rangers – 13 years and upward – meet on alternate Mondays
  • Guides – 10 to 14 years – meet every Friday from 7:00 to 9:00pm during term time
  • ontact Deirdre Souch at

Copmanthorpe Youth Club

  • To get involved, either on a permanent or ad-hoc basis, or to share your thoughts and ideas on how the Club could be run please contact Graham Auton, Chairman of the Management Committee, on 01904 701174
  • Howell Hall, the Youth Club building, is available for hire – please contact Bob Caine on 07885 743 614 for details and to make a booking.

Mother’s Union

  • Meetings are held in St Giles Parish Church Centre on the second Thursday of every month at 2:00pm

Women’s Institute

  • The Copmanthorpe branch meets on the first Tuesday of each month in the new WI Hall, 6 Station Road, Copmanthorpe at 7:30pm.

Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association

  • The Copmanthorpe branch meets at 2:00pm on the second Tuesday of every month at St Giles’ Centre
  • Guest speakers give a talk at each meeting and regular trips are organised by the members

South Ainsty Archeology & History Society

  • The area around Copmanthorpe contains:
      • prehistoric barrows
      • bronze age remains
      • a Roman road
      • several moated sites
      • ancient churches
      • a Knights Templar site
      • deserted villages
  • The society was formed in 2004 to investigate, record and preserve all such sites and records
  • Regular talks and walking tours of local historic sites and battlefields
  • New members are always welcome
  • For further information please contact Catrina Appleby (


Copmanthorpe Allotments
  • 54 Allotments are situated on Temple Lane, they are managed by the Parish Council to whom all enquiries should be addressed.
  • A list of frequently asked questions about the allotments may be downloaded by clicking here: cpc-allotments-faq-2017.pdf
  • An application form for an allotment may be downloaded by clicking here: cpc-allotment-app-form-a.pdf
  • A copy of the Conditions of Tenancy may be downloaded by clicking here: cpc-condition-of-tenancy.pdf


Horticultural Show

The Horticultural Show Committee organises a very popular annual competition for gardeners in the village.  The show features many classes including fruit and vegetables, crafts, cookery and art and appeals to all ages and abilities